City & Guilds 5357 Electrotechnical Qualification (installation/maintenance) - resource downloads

Updated to Amendment 2 (where applicable). Learning and assessment resources  for the theory units available for the C&G 5357-03 Level 3 apprenticeship course containing units 101/001, 103/003, 104/004, 105/505, 112/012, 114/014

Plus 022 regulations (to BS7671:2018 Amendment 2:2022) containing over 200 mock questions and answers.

Available as a download via Dropbox and online payment using 

If you have a dropbox account (or the dropbox app), you can take full advantage of being able to save all the materials direct to your own Dropbox. Alternatively, if you don’t have Dropbox you can opt to save the materials direct to your own device (pc/mac/tablet/pad) as a .zip file, then extract them in full. A weblink and password will give you time-limited access to allow you to do either of these options. Once saved the materials are yours to use forever. When the weblink and password expire you will no longer be able to access my Dropbox site.

The handouts, docs etc download quickly, but the videos are large and take longer so are in a separate Dropbox folder. You can decide whether to download the vids or just view directly from Dropbox until the expiry date.

To open saved materials, first extract the zip-file then use microsoft office package (word, excel, powerpoint, video player) on your pc/mac. If you use a pad/tablet/smartphone I recommend you install the free dropbox app to be able to download and access/save the materials.


Download option available for the C&G 5357 course.

Resources for 5357 include 1000+ handouts, exercises and answersheets and practice mock tests and answers arranged by unit, 60+ powerpoint files, all to BS7671:2018 Amendment 2:2022, 64 learning videos, electrical calculators (mac/pc), Includes microsoft word files (.doc) microsoft powerpoints and the electrical calculators use microsoft excel. Any microsoft word package since 2003 can open them (mac or pc).

Download Option £75 using PayPal


How does the download option work?

I use 'Dropbox' ( for all downloads. For pc/mac you do not need to have a dropbox account to be able to download and save them. For tablets/pads/phones the free dropbox app is required to open and save the resources. Follow the dropbox link to find out more.

When I have received your PayPal payment and you have separately emailed me with your current email address, I will immediately email you a time-limited dropbox weblinks and password that takes you directly to your downloads.

Dropbox weblinks and passwords are not indefinite (so ensure you download and save your docs before expiry date I send you.

You will receive two links—one for documents and one for videos. Documents take only a short time (minutes) to download. Videos are much larger and take longer to download. All files and vids are .zipped when downloaded and it can take around 30 minutes to download everything on a broadband network speed.


Click 'HERE' to see a short youtube vid about how easy it is to access and save the downloads to pc/mac if you DON'T have a dropbox account (now viewable on pc/mac/pads/smartphones).

Click 'HERE' to see a short youtube vid about how easy it is to access and save the downloads to pc/mac if you DO have a dropbox account (now viewable on pc/mac/pads/smartphones).

click HERE for more info about the included 'custom-built' electrical calculators.


Users of ipads, tablets, net/notebooks, iphones, and android devices. Click the free link below to see if your device is compatible for my dropbox downloads. Check to see that you can open the link, input the password, view the filenames, open these documents (a handout and a powerpoint), and importantly - be able to save these documents to your device for viewing off-line. If your device can do all these - you are good to go for the download options. If not - you will need to download the free dropbox app and try again. I have tested the downloads on smartphones and tablets installed with the free dropbox app and free word, pdf, powerpoint installed and it works. To save the files using Dropbox app on smartphones opt to 'export' the opened docs to your device storage.

Free link:

Free password: fRe3b&



Make a donation through 'PayPal' online banking following EACH of these steps:

· Ensure you have identified the correct course and level you require.


· Log into your paypal account and click on the 'make a payment' option.


· Make your payment to (check you have spelled this correctly) and click the 'pay now' button.


· Wait for the acknowledgement from PayPal to say that your payment has been made successfully, then log out of your PayPal account.


· Email me separately ( once you have made your PayPal payment and include the course/level number so I can email you your 'dropbox download links and password' as Paypal are not always quick at letting me know!


· Click on the dropbox links I send you and use the password to unlock the materials. You can then immediately access/download and save your materials.


· *Passwords expire by a set date so ensure you save the resources to your device or your dropbox before the expiry date given to you with your links and password.


· You do NOT need a Dropbox account to download my materials if you have a pc/mac. For other devices you need the dropbox app (free).


· PLEASE keep passwords and Links to yourself (after all, you have donated for them).



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