Inspection and Testing Basics to BS7671:2018 Amendment 2:2022
Inspection and Testing - basic, test instrument settings, readings, test procedures - 8 questions from a bank of questions
Answer ALL questions. Look for any feedback given if you get an answer incorrect. Keep choosing an answer until you get it correct. CORRECT or INCORRECT answers are indicated at the TOP of the page. A score is given at the TOP of the page when the exercise has been completed. © K.Brown 2022
what PART of BS7671 concerns itself with Inspection and Testing ?
- PART 7
- PART 6
- PART 4
- PART 2
which one of the following 'dead' tests should also be repeated 'live' ?
- ring continuity test
- insulation resistance test
- polarity test
- continuity of bonding conductors
which test is used to prove that the circuit under test has no dangerous short-circuits PRIOR to the circuit being made 'live' ?
- continuity of cpc
- continuity of ring final conductors
- insulation resistance
- polarity
what is the instrument test voltage for an insulation resistance test on a 230v AC lighting circuit ?
- 250v dc
- 500v dc
- 1000v dc
- 110v dc
what is the instrument test voltage for an insulation resistance test on a 400v AC radial circuit ?
- 250v dc
- 500v dc
- 1000v dc
- 110v dc
what is the instrument test voltage for an insulation resistance test on a 110v AC radial circuit on a building site ?
- 500v dc
- 250v dc
- 1000v dc
- 110v dc
what is the MINIMUM acceptable value of insulation resistance for a 230v ring main circuit ?
- 0.5M ohms
- 1.0M ohms
- 0.25M ohms
- 2.0M ohms
what is the MINIMUM acceptable value of insulation resistance for a 400v radial circuit ?
- 0.5M ohms
- 1.0M ohms
- 0.25M ohms
- 2.0M ohms
what is the MINIMUM acceptable value of insulation resistance for a SELV circuit ?
- 1.0M ohms
- 0.5M ohms
- 0.25M ohms
- 2.0M ohms
what is the MINIMUM acceptable value of insulation resistance for a circuit above 500v AC?
- 0.5M ohms
- 1.0M ohms
- 0.25M ohms
- 2.0M ohms
Which test proves that the 'live' conductor is connected to the centre-pin in an ES (edison-screw) light fitting ?
- insulation resistance
- continuity of ring final circuit
- continuity of cpc
- polarity
identify the scale used for carrying out a continuity test?
- kA
- low ohms
- M ohms
- volts
identify the scale used for carrying out an Insulation resistance test?
- kA
- low ohms
- M ohms
- volts
identify the scale used for carrying out a x1 RCD test?
- mS
- low ohms
- M ohms
- seconds
identify the scale used for carrying out a Zs test?
- mS
- low ohms
- M ohms
- seconds
identify the scale used for carrying out a Ipscc test?
- Amps
- low ohms
- Mega ohms
- kA