Special Installations Agriculture and Horticulture installations, IP ratings, buried cables, overhead cables, cable systems, testing, protection - 8 questions from a bank of questions
Answer ALL questions. Look for any feedback given if you get an answer incorrect. Keep choosing an answer until you get it correct. CORRECT or INCORRECT answers are indicated at the TOP of the page. A score is given at the TOP of the page when the exercise has been completed. © K.Brown 2022
What section of BS7671:2018 is devoted to these 'SPECIAL' installations ?
? section 712 ? section 701 ? section 705 ? section 708
What is the voltage level that animals are susceptable to electric shock above ?
? 10v ? 25v ? 50v ? 110v
If other external influences are minimal, what is the minimum IP rating of electrical equipment accessible to livestock ?
? IP65 ? IP44 ? IP2x ? IPxxB
IF SELV is used as a 'protective measure', barriers and/or enclosures must also be provided. What is the minimum IP rating of these enclosures ?
? IP44 ? IPxxB ? IP65 ? IPxxW
What is the most general wiring system suitable for most farm-type buildings ?
? steel conduit / single-core conductors ? Rubber Insulated flex ? flat twin+cpc fixed to walls ? HD PVC conduit system with single-core conductors
What does BS 7671:2018 detail about circuits supplying socket outlets, installed in an agricultural / horticultural installation ?
? MAX 10 sockets per circuit ? All sockets to be RCD protected ? No sockets allowed ? Standard domestic IET regs apply
What size RCD is used for 13A socket outlets in this type of location ?
? RCD is not required ? 30mA ? 300mA ? 500mA
How deep (minimum) should SWA cables be buried if the ground is un-cultivated ?
? 0.25 metres ? 0.6 metres ? 0.4 metres ? 1 metre
How deep (minimum) should SWA cables be buried if the ground is cultivated ?
? 250mm ? 450mm ? 1000mm ? 600mm
Identify the minimum height for 'self-supporting' overhead cables between buildings for this type of location?
? 3.5m ? 6m ? 5.8m ? 5.2m
Where is the recommended siting of an electric fence controller ?
? It can be installed on any convenient pole ? It can only be installed on its own mount, away from other services ? It must be kept within the confines of the farm ? It must be mounted directly onto the fence it protects
What is the maximum voltage an electric fence is allowed to produce, in accordance with BSEN 60335/BSEN 6100
? 1kV ? 10kV ? 5kV ? 15kV
How often should this type of installation be subject to an electrical inspection and test ?
? annually ? every 3 years ? every 6 months ? every 5 years
Which regulation number details 'electrical equipment in normal use shall have a minimum IP rating of IP44 degree of protection' ?
? 705.512.2 ? 705.513.2 ? 705.522.10 ? 705.553.1
Identify the maximum rating of RCD to be used for 'protection against fire' in this type of installation.
? 30mA ? 100mA ? 300mA ? 500mA
Identify the regulation that details the requirements for 'automatic life support for high density livestock rearing'
? 705.560.6 ? 705.56 ? 705.55 ? 705.513.2