Understanding Health and Safety legislation, practices and procedures - hazards
Hazards - 10 questions from a bank of questions
Answer ALL questions. Look for any feedback given if you get an answer incorrect. Keep choosing an answer until you get it correct. CORRECT or INCORRECT answers are indicated at the TOP of the page. A score is given at the TOP of the page when the exercise has been completed. © K.Brown (2015)
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Following a risk assessment, it may be possible to remove a particular hazard from the workplace completely. What is this better known as?
Following a risk assessment, it may be possible to replace a hazardous substance with a safer one. What is this better known as?
Machinery often has this fitted to prevent users of the machinery from being in close proximity to dangerous moving parts.
Which one of the following would be protected against if RPE was used?
chemicals being spilt onto the bare skin (i.e. hands)
chemicals being breathed in
chemicals being spilled onto clothing and absorbed through the skin
chemicals that can be ingested over time
How can un-planned machinery and equipment hazards be prevented in the workplace?
better training
higher qualified staff
preventative maintenance
only use high quality machinery and equipment
Which description describes the signs shown here
the danger is acid and you must wear protective clothing
acid is prohibited in this area unless you wear overalls
the danger is acid and you are advised to wear protective clothing
the acid sign is an information sign telling you to wear overalls
What do we call a document which sets out a systematic process for a set task?
method statement
risk assessment
job sheet
permit to work
How can damage and loss be reduced in the workplace?
better security on site
returning equipment to correct storage when finished with
staff training for all employees
replace equipment regularly before its lost or damaged
Which one of the following would not help reduce accidents and incidents in the workplace?
regular risk assessments
method statements for tasks
using a safe system of work
minimal staff training
Which of the following contributes to a safer working environment?
keeping the work area tidy
returning tools and equipment to its correct storage when you have finished working with it
following employer instructions with regard to safety
ensuring you follow codes of practice, method statements and the actions of risk assessments
Which one of the following is not a concern when using a cartridge tool?
loud noise
high-speed projectile
What PPE should be worn when using an angle grinder?
ear defenders
face shield
all PPE shown in these answers
Which of the following safety signs is mandatory?
Which of the following safety signs is a prohibition?
Which of the following safety signs is a warning sign?
Which of the following safety signs is a safe condition (information) sign?