You come across a work colleague who has had an accident and 'appears' to be recovering consciousness. How should you assess their condition ?
Slap them hard and ask if they are ok.
Talk to them gently and make them comfortable until help arrives.
Give them a cup of tea.
Leave them where they are and dial 999.
What is the FIRST action you would take if you came across a work colleague who has been electrocuted and is lying, unconscious, across the live cables ?
Dial 999.
Isolate the current.
drag the casualty clear.
Call for help from other work colleagues.
What does ABC stand for in FIRST AID teaching ?
airways, bleeding, circulation
airways, breathing, circulation
airways, bleeding, comfort
airways, breathing, comfort
A work colleague is being electrocuted and you cannot find the OFF switch to the circuit. Which item would you use to move the casualty from the live mains supply ?
wooden broom.
your hands.
a length of steel conduit.
ask another colleague to help you lift the casualty clear.
Which one of the following would NOT stop a casualty from breathing following an accident rendering the casualty unconscious ?
collar and tie too tight
belt too tight
tongue stuck in throat
false teeth stuck in throat
What is the action to be taken with a painful BURN ?
hold the burn under cold running water to remove heat (pain)
apply ointment
wait for it to blister - then burst it
Wrap it with a bandage to keep it clean
Which one of the following is the SAFEST practice when working on electrical circuits ?
Always isolate the supply, lock it off and check its dead.
Ask someone else to isolate it for you.
Wear rubber insulating gloves whilst working on it.
Only use fully electrically-insulated tools.
Who would most likely be the first person to attend an accident in a large factory / building site ?
a qualified First-Aider
the ambulance service
a doctor
the boss
What is the action to be taken when a work colleague has suffered from smoke/fume inhalation ?
ensure you loosen collar/tie to ensure a clear 'airway'.
remove the casualty into fresh air (i.e. outside).
dial 999.
inform the boss - immediately
You need to do a job that you feel is unsafe to carry out. What should you do ?
Speak to your supervisor, voicing your concerns.
Carry out the task anyway.
Go home.
Ask someone else if they will do it for you.
Which one of the following is not the cause of most accidents in the workplace ?
lack of experience
alcohol or drugs
Where are minor accidents in the workplace recorded ?
with the HSE
in an accident book
with the patients' doctor
they are not recorded
Which one of the following details is not required on an 'Accident Report' ?
name of injured person
address of injured person
activities leading up to accident
nature of injuries
You come across a fire in a store-room at work. Arrange the following actions in the correct order: (1) evacuate the building by the nearest exit (2) tackle the fire - if its safe to do so and you are trained to do so (3) sound the fire alarm (4) assess the situation